It seems that Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. Some stores have holiday fare out before Halloween is even over, and, once the snow starts flying, which this year in Ontario was much sooner than last, the Christmas spirit really kicks in.
With that comes the holiday parties and social gatherings that feature festive foods to clog even the cleanest artery and add padding where you won’t want the sun to shine come summer (or come the trip to the sunny south in February).
So, when you sidle up to the company dance sweet table, how can you really have your double chocolate fudge truffle cake Yule log and eat it too, without ending up with a figure like the Grinch (the ultimate apple shape)?
Try these tips:
- Do a one day a week cleanse during the month of December.
- During the rest of the week, have a high quality, low lactose whey protein shake, such as the Isagenix IsaLean shake, for breakfast.
- Make sure you get your quota of fruits and vegetables (make them organic) throughout the day, but if you can’t, have an Isagenix Fruits or Isagenix Greens to help you out.
- Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated and to make sure that what you feel is hunger and not thirst.
- Don’t starve yourself before a party and you won’t eat too fast and too much. Cleanse for one day a couple of days later.
- Eat less than 600 calories at any meal. When you break that rule at a party, you can compensate with a one day cleanse after, but this shouldn’t be your regular method of girth control.
- I have to use the “E” word. Exercise. If it is a cleanse day, do moderate exercise, such as twenty minutes of walking. Walking is great every day, but make sure you sneak in the weight-bearing exercises too.
- Drink a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you drink, and limit alcohol consumption.
- The morning after a party, try Amped Hydrate to replenish your B vitamins and electrolytes. Drink lots of water, too. Water is your friend. Always.
- Keep your fibre intake up. Use Slim cakes, which contain 5 grams of fibre, and will help you to meet the nutritionist recommended quota of 25 to 35 grams of fibre each day for adults. NOTE: Make sure you drink lots of water with that fibre — you want to keep it, ahem, moving — especially the insoluble kind that soaks up water and allows waste to move through the body.
- Taste test a little of everything in a multi-course meal. You don’t have to clean your plate. It’s not going to help starving children anywhere if you get yourself bloated and gassy. If you feel bad about throwing out food, share it with someone else or get a doggy bag. If you still feel guilty about starving children, donate some dry goods to a food bank or volunteer.
- Do a total body cleanse in January.
With the above tips, you should have a manageable party season, and at least maintain your current weight. With the proper program, however, you might just find yourself slimming down during feasting season. Imagine that!
Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to substitute advice from your physician or health-care professional. Before beginning any health or diet program, consult your physician.