Sheila Trecartin of Thornton, Ontario has helped people all over the world communicate with their pets. She has helped people with all types of animals, including a monkey and an elephant.
On June 7, 2010, I talked with Sheila to find out how she does what she does, and to hear about her adventures with the animals. In Part I of this exclusive interview, Sheila talks about how she started talking to animals in her childhood, and how she suppressed her ability as she grew up.
Talking to Animals Using Telepathy
Val Tobin: I know you’ve been doing animal communication since you were a child. You didn’t get any training in it. It just evolved. How did you discover that you had this ability?
Sheila Trecartin: “Because we lived in rural Ontario and there was not really anybody around and nothing for me to do, I would go out into the bush around our log house and I would talk to the animals. I didn’t realize nobody else could do that. It was something that I did to pass the time. It was like a hobby. I would find snakes or frogs or rabbits or birds, especially birds.”
Val Tobin: So when you say that you would talk to the animals, what do you mean by that? You would go up to them and talk to them … how?
Sheila Trecartin: “I would talk to them in my head, not out loud, and I would get impressions back from them. They would often follow me back home, and my mom would often panic when they followed me home. She hates snakes.
“There are a few times I brought snakes back with me and I’d say, ‘Look at that! I made a new friend. This is so-and-so.’ I’d name them. And my mom would come with the shovel and scream, ‘Get that out of here.’ I’d be panicking, saying, ‘No, don’t hurt the snake.'”
Animal Communication Improves Cat’s Behavior
“We often had dogs and so I would help to train the dog and interact with them a lot. Sometimes we had cats too. My dad brought home a cat from the dump one time and I remember it was totally wild. My dad was going to get rid of it because it was scratching everything.
“It would run up the stairs. We had a piece of wood underneath the stairs and it would slide down the wood. It was just really, really crazy. It wouldn’t eat cat food. It would only eat people food because it had been at the dump all its life.
“So my dad said, ‘Oh we’re going to get rid of that. It’s too high strung.’ It was crying in the middle of the night. I said, ‘No, just give me three days.’ I talked to the cat and I said, ‘This is what we have to do if you want to stay here,’ and it literally turned into this pussycat, into this little marshmallow cat that stopped meowing and stopped scratching things, but only as long as I was there. If I wasn’t there, it really had a hard time.”
Suppressing the Telepathic Gift
“When I was old enough to realize that this wasn’t acceptable, I would say to my mom, for instance, ‘the frog said this,’ and she would say, ‘Yeah, whatever. Frogs don’t talk.’ I thought ‘Oh-oh, they’re starting to look at me funny.’ I didn’t want to be abnormal. I realized that that’s not how people are. So, I suppressed it.
“When I was eighteen, I started in the holistic field. When I was eighteen, I started on a spiritual journey because I felt that something was missing from my life and it was this.”
Val Tobin: When you say you suppressed it, do you mean you stopped hearing them?
Sheila Trecartin: “I just turned it right off. Yeah. I literally turned it off. Animals would come to me, but I wouldn’t speak to them. I would speak to them in my head, just like you do out loud, and I would get impressions from them, but I wouldn’t act on them. I just stopped utilizing it in the same way. I didn’t utilize it to its potential.
“So, when I was eighteen, I started looking in the holistic field to find what was missing and it was this, the animal communication that I had suppressed. It wasn’t until I was 27 that it all opened up again after I learned all these other modalities.”
In Part II of this interview, Sheila talks about the catalyst that helped her open up to her abilities again and begin helping animals and their owners all over the world.
Trecartin, Sheila Ultimate Healing Concepts
Image: Courtesy of Sheila Trecartin
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