Most people don’t consider protecting themselves from lower vibrating energies, entity attachments, or earthbound spirits, but this is something that should be done daily.
In her book Angel Medicine: How to Heal the Body and Mind with the Help of the Angels (236 – 237), Doreen Virtue says that lower energies are associated with angry or ill people and she defines entities as “thought-forms of fear, which have a life-form.” She defines earthbound spirits as “deceased humans who haven’t gone to the light in the after-life plane.”
Where do You Find Lower Energies, Entities, or Earthbound Spirits?
Obvious places you can find these types of attachments are antique stores, cemeteries, funeral parlours, hospitals, or anywhere associated with intense emotions or painful experiences. Not so obvious places would include the mall (think of the mall during the Christmas season when people are stressed and rushed) or the dentist’s office. Any public place could have them.
Spirits can attach to objects, which is why antique stores are common places to find them. They can transfer from the object to a person who picks up the object. Spirit attachment should not be confused with possession. These spirits do not take over your body. But they can affect how you feel.
Signs of an Entity or Energy Attachment
One or more of the following are signs that you may have an entity or spirit attachment, or are affected by lower energies (rule out physical or psychological causes first; do not stop or alter medications without consulting a qualified healthcare practitioner):
- Headaches
- Dizziness, fatigue, and/or nausea
- Feeling depressed
- Unprovoked feelings of anger or other strong emotions
- Sudden aches or pains
- Cravings or addictions
- Becoming accident-prone
- Difficulty focusing or concentrating
- Feeling as if “I’m not myself lately”
Removing Entity or Energy Attachments
When you have established that there is an attachment, there are some simple ways you can remove it:
- Call on Archangel Michael, who is the angel of strength and protection, and ask him to remove any lower energies.
- Have an energy clearing done by someone who has training and experience in this area.
- Use a selenite wand to sweep through the aura and remove attachments or toxic debris from the auric field (a field of energy that extends out from the body to varying distances). Selenite can be used in the home as part of a protective grid (put in the corners of the house).
- Call on Archangel Raphael to remove any lower energy that may be blocking the third eye (the energy centre located on the forehead between the brows)
Preventing Entity or Energy Attachments
When you have rid yourself of all toxic attachments, put shielding in place to prevent further attachments from forming. The following mirror ball technique is one of the best ways to shield yourself, and can even be used before going into a difficult meeting or presentation, to protect against negative emotional energies released from others.
Bob Holmes, B.Sc., Certified Master Hypnotist, Board Certified Past Life Therapist and Primal Integration Therapist teaches this technique to his clients, and he learned it from his teachers, Carol Clark and Grant Powell:
- Envision a ball of light in your body, at the heart centre (the point on the body located between the breasts). Imagine that it is glowing with Divine Light energy.
- Next, draw down from above more love and light energy from Source. The ball then glows with the beautiful combined Divine Light energy from the heart centre and Source energy.
- When the ball is filled with this energy, imagine a thin mirror crust forming around it. This crust will deflect all lower energies away from it.
- Picture this mirror ball growing larger and larger, and as it passes through and around your body, it removes any toxic debris that might be attached.
- Visualize the ball growing until it surrounds your body completely, forming a protective eggshell around your body. Nothing can pass through this mirror ball except love and light.
Making sure that you are protected when you leave the house should become a daily ritual as a part of the morning routine. When you neglect it, you can experience physical symptoms that interfere with the quality of life. If you do acquire an attachment, you can get rid of it using the aforementioned techniques. Then the appropriate protection can be put in place.
Further Reading
“Psychic Communication: Receiving Messages from Guides and Angels” teaches about the four types of psychic communication and how to recognize and develop these psychic senses.
Belanger, Michelle. The Ghost Hunters Survival Guide: Protection Techniques for Encounters with the Paranormal, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 2009.
Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals, Ohio: Walking Stick Press, 2003.
Holmes, Bob, B.Sc., Certified Master Hypnotist, Board Certified Past Life Therapist and Primal Integration Therapist, The Regression Therapy Centre of Ontario (Accessed October 7, 2013).
Tobin, Bob. Image: Cemetery
Virtue, Doreen, PhD. Angel Medicine: How to Heal the Body and Mind with the Help of the Angels, California: Hay House, 2004.
Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to substitute advice from your physician or health-care professional. Before beginning any health or diet program, consult your physician.